1000 Pillars The Temple of Sri Ranganathaswamy, Tamil Nadu, India


As we all know, India is famous for its many temples, because of India’s majority Hindu, one of which is the temple of Sri Ranganathaswamy. This temple is located in srirangam, precisely in Srirangam, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India. This temple was built to dedicated to Lord Ranganatha a god reciling wisnu.

This temple is the largest active temples in the world, meaning that this temple was still functioning properly, with an area of 156 hectares (631,000 m²) with a perimeter of 4116 m (10,710 ft) separated by 7 concentric walls with a total length of 32,592 feet, and flanked by 21 gopurams. One more thing you need to know, this temple has 1000 pillars (actually 953) with a charming touch of sculpture, architecture and sculpture of the room makes this place one of the most recommended place to visit.

The main temple festival :
if you come in December – January you will see a big festival of the temple in Vaikuntha Ekadasi, at this moment every day was read Vaishnavite sacred text, Tiruvaimozhi read out in the presence of the Lord Ranganatha under the gold dome.




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